Made of Things
We are made of things
purple and blue, red and green
dandelion yellow…
Tufts of cloud, swirls of wind
little bits of sunshine.
Here and there,
the world is built into our cells.
The body inhales…
unbound by the limits of its visible edges.
Plastic of bottles, particles flung from screens,
makings of artificial everything…
What are the things that enter into us?
That which we magnetically draw,
through the attractive capacity of the Spirit.
In each cell,
untouched by the matter of this material eye
vibration defines
the movements of how everything joins, separates and fuses.
And as the Spirit resonates,
the nature of the tune that it emits
such are the strings of the song
that guide the atoms in their dance:
repelling here or attracting there,
to form the physical self.
So whether it’s the sky that is built in, or scraps
depends on what is held
in the deepest of the deep Within.
© Dalida Iruoha.