The Pressure of Not-knowing
Sampson Iruoha
The way we feel about everything, whether we consider it to be favorable or unfavourable, derives its basis from the nature of our inner attitudes. Our inner attitudes are expressions of the conceptions we hold of how things work in the world around us. These conceptions are directly linked to our perceptions of the limitations to the possibilities of our experiencing happiness. The narrower these conceptions are, therefore, the smaller the world within which we can be happy also becomes, that is, the smaller we feel it is. Therefore the less we know of this world, this world in which are happy, the more constricted we feel within our present surroundings and conditions, and the greater the burdening pressure we find ourselves under, urging us towards a broader and clearer picture of the nature of the workings in the Universe.
This world (in which we can be and are happy) is directly related to our perception of it. Where we cannot perceive of it, it does not exist for us. If a man feels he cannot be happy in a particular kind of condition, he cannot conceive of a world in which he can be happy under that condition. He cannot picture that world, and so it cannot form part of the world that he is able to envision within him as harbouring the potential to provide him with happy experiences. And because he is able to see the condition in question as one that is sure to make him sad and to feel low, it can easily be added to the world of his perception in which he is bound to be sad.
The broader the world is in which we feel we can be happy, the more possibilities we are able to recognise for the experiencing of happiness, because the broader this world is the smaller the world in which we can be sad or experience deep or overwhelming sadness becomes.
In other words, we would view more happenings through the lens of the world of happiness than we would through the lens of the smaller world of sadness. Put in another way, it would take more to cause us to deeply feel sadness and oppression the broader the world of our perception of happiness grows. We simply would feel the impressions from the happenings around us differently, in ways that would bring about more pleasant reactions from us, because of the corresponding change in our inner attitudes.
For instance, a woman whose mature son has just left her home because he desires to live with his lady friend, with whom he is forming an increasingly close relationship, might feel jealous and abandoned, due to her existing narrow-mindedness. She might even view the son as ungrateful for leaving her for someone whom, in comparison to herself, he barely knows. Her feelings will stay with her and affect the way she regards the woman whilst in her presence, even if she does not make this apparent through speaking about it. She might even go as far as making sure that the son feels her displeasure regarding his “lack of consideration” for her feelings. This might even rise to a point where the son might feel like staying farther away from her and for longer periods of time, due to the sheer need for an aura of pleasantness that he would naturally wish to enjoy with his companion.
However, had she learned through observing nature that the fruit must fall from the tree in order for it to fulfill what it exists for, namely, to provide nourishment and possibly lead to the growth of another tree, which could contribute in many ways to the maintenance of a healthy environment, she would recognise the departure from her home of her mature son as something natural and good for everyone concerned, something which bears the potential to produce a more widely-spread goodness. Through this process she could also become able to allow him to develop that independence that he would need in order to work on earth as a stable transmitter of light radiations.
He could never become able to fully develop his inherent abilities whilst relying on the strengths of others, and would fall prey to many a temptation that goes for the many weaknesses of men, and which seeks to reel them in with promises of unrealistic and unnecessary opportunities at an easy life, in which one does not have to pay attention to issues of responsibility, and where he can just let himself go whilst expecting everything to be and remain alright for him.
Had she been aware of the need for this process of development there would have been happiness for her son instead of sadness, and, as a result of what she would have intuitively sent towards the new couple, they might have even developed the desire within them to come closer to her and thus voluntarily fulfill her wish.
Another example is that of a man whose brother passed on quite suddenly following a fatal car crash, just as he was about to offer up an apology to him for a wrong that he had previously inflicted on him and on their friendship. The ensuing feud had carried on for several years with this particular man constantly putting off making amends for what he had done wrong to his brother, his younger brother, under the assumption that the latter would in time get over the pain inflicted upon him and resume normal relations with him. The brother’s sudden departure left him in indescribable pain, from under the pressure of which he could not see the possibility of getting out.
As he saw it, the only one with whom he could make peace on the matter was gone from the earth forever, and with him the possibility of relief from the tremendous feeling of guilt and the crushing pressure of the associated pain. His usual sunny attitude immediately transformed into a gloomy, ponderous one, and this could be felt all around him, within his circle of friends and at his place of work. His work there was also adversely affected since he could no longer concentrate on what he had to do to adequately discharge his responsibilities.
He found it doubly hurtful and burdensome since he felt that he could not tell anyone about his troubles. He had openly denied the charges made against him by his brother, thereby leading others to situations where they severed ties with the latter as they sided with him. He did not see any possibility of getting out of the weighty bind in which he had placed himself, and how he could right things also between his brother and those whom he had led away from him (his brother).
But had this man known that his brother was still existing and able to perceive everything he was feeling towards him, at least in the hours and days just after his departure from his physical body; and that he, the one still on earth, could actually communicate his feelings to the departed one just as surely as he could while he was in his physical body, had he known this to be a certainty he would not have felt the same degree of anguish. He would have found a way to relieve the pressure building up quickly within him and threatening to cause even more havoc than had already developed.
Had he known this he would have also known of the inevitable return to him of all that he sows with his thoughts, words and actions, greatly multiplied as fruits of his seeds, and this knowledge would have given him strength to quickly make things right with regards to the name and reputation of his brother, even if he was certain that his own reputation would suffer some damage. He would have known that the damage would be much worse if things were left to develop and grow to maturity as they made their way back to him as just consequences of his wrong actions.
This knowledge would have put him more at ease with the whole situation and he would have had less reason to carry the burden that threatened to crush him. He would have quickly set about doing what he had to do to make things right, and this would have also led him to further recognitions of the nature of the working of the Laws in Creation, as well led to an expansion in his knowledge of Creation. The expanded view that the knowledge would have provided would have made it possible for him to come out of the small space into which he had sunken due to ignorance and narrow-mindedness, and made it possible for him to move more cheerfully and sow fewer seeds of despair; seeds which would have to develop and give rise to corresponding fruit.
He could have then gone on to live in this and subsequent recognitions to the joy and benefit of those around him and his particular surroundings.
The world in which we feel we can be happy grows by taking away, through the transformation of old and existing conceptions, from the world in which we feel we would experience oppressive sadness deep within us. Fewer things or happenings would cause us to feel that inner sadness that accompanied the old conceptions and inner attitude.
One could also say that many things that would have in the past caused us to feel sad would no longer have such an effect on us. This is important because the low and sad feeling that is able to burden and oppress a person is but an expression of the pressure of not knowing that aspect of things which our own narrow-mindedness has kept us from seeing. The more we see, that is, the more we recognise for ourselves the actual nature of the workings within the Universe, of which we are a part, the more rounded a picture we are able to form of all processes of development.
Being able to see the full picture of the development of a happening allows one to sense the balance and justice within it, within the happening. When a part of the happening is missing, so that we are forced to fill in the gaps with our own limited imaginings or assumptions, the picture that emerges cannot replace and serve as a viable substitute for reality.
In such a case, one would only fill in existing gaps based on his own prevailing narrow-minded view or perception. The narrow-mindedness of this perception will also go together with other base attributes or emotions, such as vanity, conceit, ignorance, envy, hatred, anger, and so on, therefore causing one to fill in the gap with a greatly flawed substitution in place of the truth or reality.
This will cause all the assumptions that one would make based on this flawed picture to lead to even more grief, because he would be sowing the wrong seeds in the moment due to ignorance and narrow-mindedness. He would have to reap the consequences of the incompleteness of the pictures that develop from his one-sided cognition.
There cannot then be the perception of justice, because a gap would still exist in his perception of the logical development of the happening. Where there is a gap in the logical progression of any happening the justice in it cannot be perceived, and the perception of injustice hits the inner man as something that is not right; something that is off. He invariably senses a lack of completeness, an imbalance, therefore an injustice. Some would say that things, in such cases, “just do not compute”. He sees only a part of the happening and draws from it what has to be called a wrong conclusion. Often, his interpretations or conclusions are as different from reality as day is from night, because he sees only in a one-sided manner and thus misses a lot.
The perception of injustice by man is expressed by him in the form of ugly or unpleasant vibrations or forms, which, in their ugliness, express incompleteness, the existence of a gap, a lack of symmetry and beauty. These ugly forms then manifest in our daily experiencing on earth as anger, fear, envy, vanity, conceit, narrow-mindedness and hurtful prejudice, lack of consideration, irritability and unpleasantness, the craving for earthly power and influence, and many other related attributes.
This is important because of the role that the human spirit plays in the formation of matter. He serves as a ruler in matter. Better said, he should be a ruler in matter but has not used this capability rightly. Nevertheless, his very nature, that is, the nature of his spiritual core causes his material surroundings to form themselves according to his inner nature. He is ruler by virtue of the fact that the magnetic working of the emanations from his spiritual core draws everything else around him into the form of the nature of this core. He rules in the same way as a ruler in a mathematical set is used to draw a straight line. The pencil placed along the straight edge of the ruler marks out a straight line when it is drawn along this edge. The straight line thus drawn is determined by the straight edge of the ruler. If the ruler were curved then the line drawn along its edge would also be a curved one; it would correspond to the curve of the ruler.
The spirit of man determines the way all the moving parts of the material world come together, whether for what is good or for what is wrong and bad. The nature of the working that brings substances and conditions together is the same for everything in the Universe, including the conditions and experiences of the developing and maturing spirit of earthmen. However, the nature of the inner life of earthmen determines what this universal working forms them. Through this process they shape their psychic and physical conditions.
This can already be seen in the way that the entrance of the spirit as a seed-germ in matter, into the highly developed animal form of the time known as Primeval Man, brought about the transformation of the entire earth, as well as the body into which it incarnated. This body has been seen to have risen to the point of being erect, just as happens when a growing seedling moves towards the radiating Sun as it grows. The spirit incarnated in the prepared body expressed the natural upward reaching, striving and longing for its origin and for the Source of the power for all animation, in the straightening to erectness of the physical body over time.
The mere approach of the spiritual to the earth led to such drastic changes within it that it is difficult not to notice them when the entire process of development of the earth is objectively looked at. Such changes had to occur before the incarnation of spirit into matter. Prior to that time it had taken millions and even billions of years, in some cases, for things to develop significantly from one stage to another. Following its incarnation the spiritual element in man, which is the real man, led to more drastic and rapid changes, within a relatively short time, in the material world that includes the earth.
The rest of the earthly surroundings of man were to go upwards in the same manner as his acquired physical body became more erect and upright. The only way that this could have happened was if man, with his spiritual core, had adhered to the Principles of Working that exist in the Universe and that led to, lead to, and govern all developments. Had he followed these logical Principles, he would have thought and acted naturally, which means that he would have striven upwards towards his origin in the Spiritual Realm, in obedience to the natural process of development that always has everything return to the substance from which it was formed, i.e., its origin, in the completion of its cycle of development.
Had he followed this process then his guardianship of the material environment would have led to the upward development of everything, in ways that would have been seen and felt. Such conditions would have encouraged an even greater degree of expansion of his spirit, because he would have seen more broadly and clearly, greatly minimizing the instances in which he would feel low, whilst simultaneously increasing the possibilities of his viewing everything only in ways that will allow him to offer up expressions of pure gratitude to his Maker.
The only way he could achieve this was by observing the workings of these Principles in the happenings in Nature and applying these workings to himself and his actions, thus by adhering to them. He would see through what he would learn from Nature that one always gets back, many times over, the fruits of the same kind of seeds sown. He would be able to see how this applies to his own actions, including his thoughts, words and physical deeds, which are the seeds he sows under the influence of the working of the machinery of the Universe, which is powered by these Principles. He would then be very careful about what he forms with his capacities to feel, think, speak and act. He would recognise the fruits of these as they form for him the psychic and physical conditions he would have to live through.
He would see that similar species or characteristics form or move together; that they aggregate together, forming worlds of homogeneous groups where similar things are experienced. He would be careful with regards to the kinds of things he engages in and the kinds of people he associates with. He would be cautious about the nature of his thoughts, words and actions, for he would know of the unavoidable linkages that these would create between him and others of similar predispositions, making him vulnerable to the unavoidable consequences that must come to those who engage in such activities according to the Law that states that whatever a person sows that he shall reap, many times over.
Finally, he would know of the weight and burdening pressures of not adhering to these Laws or Principles of Working. He would feel the increase in the pressure of this burden when he drifts away from applying this working, and the light and buoyant feeling that comes from rising high towards the radiant Light as a consequence of his obedience of these Laws in the course of making his moment-by-moment decisions. He would experience the Laws of Reciprocal Action, of the Attraction of Homogeneous Species, and of (Spiritual) Gravity. And all these Laws he would glean from the workings in Nature around him as he applies them to himself, to his decision-making process.
But soon after man’s incarnation into earth he began to focus his attention more and more on what was earthly and listened less to the vibrations that came through his spirit within, which vibration sought to lead him on a path that would allow him to recognise the workings mentioned above, the adaptation to which is vital for his right development, and for the right development of his material environment.
Without the right grasping of this working he increasingly saw only a small segment of all happenings and missed the greater part of the cycle of developments, because he did not see those aspects which took on form and had effects outside of what was physically visible and tangible. He did not recognise the effects of his deep inner feelings, his thoughts and words, and so could not link his physical and psychic conditions to his inner attitude, which forms the basis for everything else that comes from him and returns to him. He could not see how these physical and psychic conditions formed the final fruits of the stirrings and vibrations within him.
Not being able to see or recognise the beginnings of developments, he was left with only those segments in the cycles of developments that had to do with physical life on earth. He therefore sought to draw conclusions about the way things work in the Universe using only the limited information that was available to him through the visible happenings on earth.
His assessments were naturally flawed since he was working with incomplete data. And since the conceptions he forms about the way things work are directly connected to his perception of the possibilities of being happy, the narrowness of his gaze was clearly represented in his narrow-minded view of the possibilities open to him for the experiencing of happiness. With such a narrow view, it is impossible for man not to express fear, envy, hatred, narrow-mindedness, ignorance, various forms of immorality, greed, and so on. These emanations form physical conditions for him in which he can reap these vibrations in greater quantity.
The limitation in his capacity to perceive, and the corresponding smallness of the world which it formed for him for the experiencing of happiness, led to man’s greater predisposition to the expressions of anger, disappointment, distrust, hatred, envy, and so on, as ways of expressing the injustice and imbalance that he naturally perceived in his wrongly formed environment.
And since the world of matter forms itself according to the nature of the stronger and higher spiritual species, matter took on the form that would create the conditions which would provide man with what he mostly felt as his deep, inner vibrations. The earth, through the actions of the wrongly adjusted spiritual personalities on it, developed just in that way as would bring to these personalities more pain and pressure due to their expressed, even if ignorantly, envy, hatred, anger, distrust, greed and so on. The conditions that formed for men were ones that caused them to feel more of these emotions. This was the fruit of their works; the works which they expressed in reaction to their experiencing of their conditions, which latter formed, in the first place, in accordance with the nature of their understanding of Creation and the Laws operating in it.
With limited understanding of these Laws, therefore, came an inability to see the whole in the happenings around man, leading to his perception of injustice and the expression of this narrow perception in the forms of the base attributes listed above. His environment, in forming itself accordingly, gave him just those conditions which allowed him to experience even greater fear, pain, envy, jealousy, conceit, etc., all of which expressed one-sidedness and imbalance. A vicious cycle that now brings to him concentrated painful experiences.
Just as the spirit of man was able to raise and further develop the physical body into which it incarnated millions of years ago, it also, through the ensuing development of one-sidedness through his inclination mainly to what is earthly, led to the one-sided development of the brains of this physical body. It was towards this brain that he directed energy currents through the process of exertion by thinking. So man now has a larger frontal brain (the cerebrum) that produces the intellect, and which he has over-cultivated through the afore-mentioned one-sided focus on earthly matters, and a smaller hind brain (the cerebellum), which he is supposed to use in a balanced way to receive impressions from his spiritual core and pass it on to the cerebrum for earthly execution. The imbalance in his actions and perceptions show themselves in the imbalance in his brains and in his earthly surroundings and conditions.
To address this issue, together with all its clearly visible fallouts, and also in time, before he is forced to go through the process of disintegration with the wrongly developed forms in transient matter - a process the effects of which can already be felt on earth today- thereby forever forfeiting the opportunity to live on (in his Spiritual home in Creation after his earth-life and journeying through other planes of experiencing in matter) in service to the Will of his Creator that is revealed in the Laws of Nature, he must step by step address and set right all the wrong conceptions developed through a one-sided viewing of the happenings around him. While here on earth, he is also able to remove himself from being strongly touched by the adverse effects of the blows which are now striking all that has been wrongly formed, which latter touches everything. Such a removal happens automatically with a change in his perception.
All the pressure that he feels today comes from not knowing Creation and the Laws governing and operating in it. Left on his own man is no longer able to come to a knowing of this, for he has strayed too far away from the Will of God, from being natural, to know how to act thus. God or His Will is not what religious groups and teachers have portrayed to so-called believers and the rest of mankind. These religious groups and teachers have not been immune to the devastating consequences of one-sidedness and imbalance which mankind have cultivated and supported for millennia. In their ignorance, they have helped to spread much that is poisonous to mankind, because they themselves have not striven to truly understand, through personal experiencing, the true essence of all the help that has been brought mankind to date.
There is no one who is not equipped with the capacity to receive the necessary guiding impressions through his spirit within him, if he so wills. But the desire for it must precede the reception of it. That person, who wants lasting peace, happiness and joy, even while, at this time, all that has been wrongly formed is collapsing upon itself, must strongly exert himself to know. He must now learn, step by step. This process must begin with his desire for it. Following the desire for it will come or materialize the opportunities and conditions that will make the knowing for him possible, in strict accordance with the Law that whatever a man sows that shall he reap, many times over! In this time of a quickening, when every cycle of development is quite noticeably quickened in its pace, the earnest desire to know also leads the one concerned quickly to the path of seeing and knowing. He quickly comes upon the initial steps of this path and is able to see reason to continue on it because of his desire for what lies at that point to which it leads.
All this happens along his own personal path of experiencing, in ways that make perfect sense to him, because it connects his own innermost desires (i.e., the deep inner feelings within him, whether these be deep feelings of fear and envy or of love and joy, and whether he is conscious of them or not) with what he experiences outwardly, in ways that leave him without a doubt as to the logic and truth of this connection and working, but in a manner that makes it impossible for him to transfer this experience to another person; for each man who wants to know must earnestly seek the knowledge himself.
The quickening that is clearly visible to anyone who cares to look today also affects the working-out of the Laws of Nature described above. So man reaps what he sows much more quickly in this time than he did even in the recent past. What used to take decades, or even hundreds of years, now becomes possible or happens in months. Man now receives accumulated fruits of past sown seeds in concentrated form as a result of this, because the fruits of all seeds sown over the course of millennia are all being drawn together for harvest by their originators. He is as though under an intense ray of animation that must feel like a strong pressure. Today he speaks often of “the perfect storm”, as circumstances, all of his making, line up to deliver to him concentrated effects. This is helping to greatly focus his mind on previously neglected but important issues.
The attraction between homogeneous species, which is another effect of the working of the Laws of Nature, is showing itself also very strongly in the moving of individuals and groups with similar opinions on issues, into more tightly-knit groups, so that it is becoming more and more difficult to get people from within certain groups, political parties, classes, races and cultures to be objective and to see the other sides of issues. Also, fissures are becoming increasingly and more readily apparent along the points of union between countries, ethnic groups, married couples, and other forms of alliance, indicating the divergence of the parties involved away from what is not sufficiently homogeneous, and towards what is more so. Through this the superficial, and thus, unnatural bases for such unions become even more apparent.
The sinking and rising of individuals to depths of even narrower perception or to heights of broader views and greater understanding, are also happening faster now and with consequences which can no longer remain hidden even from a person who does not make a lot of effort to see. Often it can be seen how, in the working-out of the above-mentioned Laws, many who have met with fates which they might have considered to be unfavourable have come to recognise more of the plights of their fellow men through their own painful experiences, and have all of a sudden awakened to a certain sense of responsibility that moves them to actions which they never would have contemplated performing. Others, however, sink further into states of despair and chaos after receiving similar blows of self-crafted unfavourable conditions. Here, the greatly intensified nature of the working of the Law of Gravity also shows itself, coming to the aid of those who earnestly wish for inner growth, and crushing those who cannot think past their own selves and their need for comfort and ease. And on and on it goes.
The end-result will be the elimination of all the disturbing elements introduced through the one-sided cultivation of the intellect, which man was supposed to use as a tool for his spirit. This is help that has come in response to the request of many, expressed over several millennia. Recognition of the very natural process in motion is the key to surviving it. For this reason a thundering call booms throughout the Universe announcing the hour of twelve, and pointing in the direction of the help present one earth today for all those who remain in earnest about their desire for it.
© Sampson Iruoha.